
By Daniel Quinn

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Reading Assignment Snapshot

Summer Reading Assignment Snapshot

How do I get Started?

1. Read everything in this packet, underlining important notes, assignments, etc.

2. Get yourself on a reading schedule; set deadlines for yourself. You should read everyday.

3. Purchase or check out at the town library Ishmael and You are free to purchase e-books online. You will need a paper copy because you will write on it or in it. IPhone applications of the text won’t work.

4. Read the mini-lessons information and look up anything you don’t know; Call me or Google it….In fact, if there is anything you don’t know, always take the initiative to look it up. The pursuit of knowledge is a given in this course.

5. Begin Ishmael, complete Dialectical Journal and vocabulary log, and prepare for in-class essay assessment (July 11th -August)

6. Anticipate a scored formal discussion on the second day of class: This discussion will ask you to refer to the text specifically and pull outside resources. So keep in mind what you might want to bring up during our exchange of ideas and evaluation of this novel. Some of you will like it, some wont. That’s okay! As long as you have an opinion and can substantiate it. These discussions will jumpstart our first unit: What is American Literature and What is American Reality?

Assignment Overview: Texts are in bold; assessments for a grade are indented

• Mini-lessons: Annotating a Text; Dialectical Journaling; Literary Terms to
Know and recognize;

• (July 11th –August) Class Common Read: Ishmael
1. Annotated Text, Dialectical Journal with vocabulary (due first
week of School)
2. in-class essay response (written in-class first Week of School)
3. In-class discussion (second/third class period)

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