
By Daniel Quinn

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Things you Might Annotate

Things you Might Annotate…..
1. . major characters (check spelling), their roles in the story and relationship
summarize what drives them (motivation)
2. . minor characters you might like to remember
3. roles and relationships any foils?
4. setting (time and place)
5. plot :summarize it briefly at the end of important sections; chart the exposition, rising action, climax, turning point, denouement, etc. note key conflicts that propel the plot
6. themes, big ideas (list and comment briefly on at least three)
7. describe at least three key scenes and why they are important
8. discuss the ending—is it open-ended or neatly resolved? what do the characters learn, how do they change?
9. narrative point of view—describe it and note how it contributes to meaning/impact
10. writing style—describe and offer at least two specific examples
11. note key symbols, motifs, and / or images—how do they contribute to meaning?

• symbol: a person, image, word, object, color, idea, action, event, etc. that evokes meanings beyond the literal

• motif: a recurring, unifying element (image, symbol, character type, action, phrase, etc.)

• image: a word, phrase, or figure of speech that appeals to the senses

12. patterns (what goes with what, what contrasts with what?)—these might involve images, characters, events, etc.

13. copy out at least three memorable quotes, noting page number if relevant, speaker, and

Some more……..things to consider…..

title, author, date (also what period of American Literature it falls into)
list of main characters and role they play
list of main places/brief description
list of significant critical and/or essential events/problems that occur throughout book
social/political/philosophical agenda(s) of author: why was this book written? what insight into human nature or the human condition does this book offer? (think THEMES)
list any major short significant quotations-make them easy to remember
brief synopsis of ending & how author achieved closure

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